
In this page you will find books about women’s ordination and the ministry of women in the Seventh-day Adventist Church. All the books and dissertations provided in this webpage were written by Seventh-day Adventist authors and researchers.

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Association of Adventist Women. Adventist women in ministry: Our stories. Langley Park, MD: Association of Adventist Women, 1988.

Association of Adventist Women. The Ordination of Women in the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Langley Park, MD: Association of Adventist Women, 1985.

Barna, Jan. Ordination of women in Seventh-day Adventist theology: A study in biblical interpretations. Belgrade: Preporod, 2012.

Banks, Rosa T., ed. A women’s place: Seventh-day Adventist women in church and society. Hagerstown, MD: Review and Herald, 1992.

Beach, John G. Notable Women of Spirit: The Historical Role of Women in the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Nashville, TN: Southern Publishing Association, 1976.

Benton, Josephine. Called by God: Stories of Seventh-day Adventist Women Ministers. Smithsburg, MD: Blackberry Hill Publishing, 1990.

Bumgardner, Leslie Helfer. “Staying in Ministry: A Qualitative Study of Seventh-day Adventist Women Pastors”. Tesis de doctorado. Andrews University. Marzo de 2005.

Covington, Ava. They Also Served: Stories of Pioneer Women of the Adventist Movement. Washington DC: Review and Herald, 1940.

Chudleigh, Gerry. A Short History of the Headship Doctrine In the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Smashwords, 2014.

Chudleigh, Gerry. Who Runs the Church?: Understanding the Unity, Structure and Authority of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Smashwords, 2013.

Daily, Steven Gerald. The irony of Adventism: the role of Ellen White and other Adventist women in nineteenth century America. Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms International, 1985.

De Bruin, Tom (ed.). Ministry, Mission and Ordination. Grantham, UK : Stanborough Press, 2015.

Doggette, Jr., Jackson M. Ordination: Ellen White’s concept. Jackson Michael Doggette, 1987.

du Preez, Ron (ed.). Women, work, and worship: Scholarly Seventh-day Adventist scriptural research relating to women’s ordination. Berrien Springs, MI: Omega Media, 2014.

Dyrud Kolkmann, Marianne. “Women in pastoral ministry and church leadership of the Seventh-day Adventist Church”. Tesis de maestría.Newbold College, 2013.

Gibbons, Sydney. Ordained pastor: Wife of one husband?: Biblical perspectives on ordination revisited. Spirit Reign Communication, 2014.

Gibson, Ty. A closer look at women’s ordination. Jasper, OR: Light Bearers, 2015.

Habada, Patricia A., and Rebecca Frost Brillhart (eds.). The welcome table: Setting a place for ordained women. Langley Park, MD: TEAM Press, 1995.

Hanna, Martin, and Cindy Tutsch (eds.). Questions and answers about women’s ordination. Nampa, ID: Pacific Press, 2014.

Hemmings, Olive J. Sacred Texts and Social Conflict: The Bible and The Debate Over Women’s Ordination in The Seventh-day Adventist Church. Tesis de doctorado. Claremont Graduate University. 2004.

Humble, Graeme J., and Robert K. McIver (eds.). South Pacific perspectives on ordination: Biblical, theological and historical studies in an Adventist context. Cooranbong, New South Wales: Avondale Academic Press, 2015.

Hyde, Gordon (ed.). Symposium on the role of women in the church. Washington, D.C.: General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, 1984.

Johnsson, William. Where are we headed?: Adventism after San Antonio. Westlake Village, CA: Oak and Acorn Publishing, 2017.

Kemp, Brad y David Thiele (eds.). Authority, Unity and Freedom of Conscience. Cooranbong, New South Wales: Avondale Academic Press, 2017.

King, Brent. Why I changed my mind about women’s ordination. Bluewater Publications, 2015.

Knight, George R. Adventist Authority Wars: Ordination and the Roman Catholic Temptation. Westlake Village, CA: Oak and Acorn Publishing, 2017.

Knight, Jennifer et al. The Adventist Woman in the Secular World: Her Ministry and Her Church. North Ryde, New South Wales, 1991.

Lorencin, John. Priestly ministry in the Old and the New Testament: should women be ordained?. Belgrade: Preporod, 2013.

Luna, Jose. Daughters of Abraham: A Closer Look at the Role of Women in the Ministry and the Church (Lulu Press, 2018)

Mavanyisi, Justice Mongwe. “Hearing all the drums: Towards a more inclusive congregation”. Tesis de maestría. University of South Africa. 2007.

Morales-Gudmundsson, Lourdes E. (ed.). Women and the church: A feminine perspective. Berrien Springs, MI: Andrews University Press, 1995.

North American Division Theology of Ordination Study Committee. Theology of ordination : Study Committee Report. General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, 2013.

Olsen, V. N. Myth and truth: Church, priesthood and ordination. Loma Linda, CA: Loma Linda University Press, 1990.

Olsen, V. N. The new relatedness for man and woman in Christ: A mirror of the divine. Loma Linda, CA: Loma Linda University Press, 1993.

Ottschofski, Hannele. Tired of Waiting: Women in Church and Society. Kindle Direct Publishing, 2021.

Paulsen, Jan. Where Are We Going. Nampa, ID: Pacific Press, 2011.

Reeve, John (ed.). Women and ordination: Biblical and historical studies. Nampa, ID: Pacific Press, 2015.

Riley, Wayne Ashburton. Women’s ordination and the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Saint Augustine, Trinidad: The University of the West Indies, 2005.

Rosado, Caleb. Women, Church, God: A socio-biblical study. Loma Linda, CA: Loma Linda University Press, 1990.

Scholtus, Silvia C. Women in leadership in the beginnings of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in South America. Libertador San Martín, Entre Ríos: Editorial UAP, 2019.

Seibold, Loren (ed.). The 2017 Unity Conference: Reporting by Adventist Today. CreateSpace, 2017.

Underwood, U. J. Women in their place: Does God call Women?. Berrien Springs, MI: Biblical Foundations, 1990.

Vance, Laura L. Seventh-day Adventism in Crisis: Gender and Sectarian Change in an Emerging Religion. Champaing, IL: University of Illinois Press, 1999.

Vhymeister, Nancy (ed.). Women in ministry: Biblical and historical perspectives. Berrien Springs, MI: Andrews University Press, 1998.

White, Ellen. Daughters of God. Ellen White Estate, 2012.

Wiklander, Bertil. Ordination reconsidered: The biblical vision of men and women as servants of God. Newbold: Newbold Academic Press, 2015.

Wiklander, Bertil. The mission of God through the ministry of the church: a biblical theology of ordination – with particular attention to the ordination of women. St. Albans, Hertfordshire: Trans-European Division, 2013.

Yob, Iris M. The Church and Feminism: An exploration of common ground. Englewood, CO: Winsen Publications, 1988.


Arzaloz Hernández, Ariadna Paola. “Papel de la mujer en el liderazgo del adventismo entre los años 1844-1920”. Tesis de licenciatura. Universidad de Montemorelos, 2020.

Brillhart, Rebecca Frost y Patricia A. Habada, (eds.). Bienvenida a la mesa: Preparando un lugar en la mesa para la mujer en el ministerio. Langley Park, MD: TEAMPress, 1995.

Chudleigh, Gerry. Una Breve Reseña de la Doctrina de la Cabeza en la Iglesia Adventista del Séptimo Día. Smashwords, 2014.

Chudleigh, Gerry. ¿Quién dirige la Iglesia?: Comprendiendo la Unidad, Estructura y Autoridad de la Iglesia Adventista del Séptimo Día. Smashwords, 2014.

Comanescu, Ciceroni. “El marido, cabeza de la mujer”, ¿El significado de Kefalé en Efesios 5:23?. Barcelona: Aula7activa, 2018.

Comité de Estudio de la Teología de la Ordenación de la División Norteamericana. Teología de la Ordenación: Informe del comité de estudio. General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, 2013.

García Corpas, Yosvany Rossell. “¿Sometimiento o Entrega? Perspectiva paulina de las relaciones en el Haustafel de Efesios”. Tesis de licenciatura. Universidad Adventista del Plata. Julio de 2010.

Gibson, Ty. Una mirada más profunda a la ordenación de la mujer. Jasper, OR: Light Bearers, 2015.

Hanna, Martin y Cindy Tutsch (eds.). Preguntas y respuestas acerca de la ordenación de la mujer. Nampa, ID: Pacific Press, 2014.

Johnsson, William G. ¿Hacia dónde vamos?: El Adventismo después de San Antonio. Westlake Village, CA: Oak and Acorn Publishing, 2017.

Knight, George R. Guerras adventistas sobre autoridad, ordenación y la tentación católica romana. Westlake Village, CA: Oak and Acorn Publishing, 2017.

Luna, José. Hijas de Abraham!: Una mirada al rol de la mujer en el ministerio y la iglesia. Lulu Press, 2017.

Mora, Daniel Alberto y Miguel Ángel Nuñez (eds.). Apartadas para el Ministerio: Perspectivas bíblicas sobre la ordenación. Lima: Fortaleza Ediciones, 2018.

Scholtus de Roscher, Silvia C. Liderazgo Femenino: En los inicios de la Iglesia Adventista del Séptimo Día en la División Sudamericana. Libertador San Martín, Entre Ríos: Editorial UAP, 2012.

Vyhmeister, Nancy (ed.). Mujer y ministerio: Perspectivas bíblicas e históricas. Berrien Springs, MI. Andrews University Press, 1998.

White, Ellen. Hijas de Dios. Ellen White Estate, 2012.


Gibson, Ty. Um Olhar Atento sobre a Ordenação de Mulheres. Light Bearers, 2015.

White, Ellen. Filhas de Deus. Ellen White Estate, 2013.